This is a user interface I re-designed for Perilous Orbit's virtual reality title, 'Social Club VR.' The image below represents the stand-in menu that the developers had been using as a rough guide layout. With several specific directives, I was tasked with designing and developing a new layout.

The stand-in menu that the developers had been using as a rough guide.

A re-design of the main menu that I delivered.
Below are several other menu screens that had to be designed for the final deliverable. The header had the most specific requirements: The example player name had to accommodate at least 10 fixed-width letter characters, and icons had to be made to represent the following variables: Chips, VIP, Luck, and Ammo. Eventually, icons were requested for all major button functions. These can be viewed under 'Iconography.'

This is a shot of the layout within Adobe XD of all 37 boards.